
CEO's Message

It is with great pleasure and a sense of achievement that I can announce that the three Ta’allum schools were granted the prestigious Qatar National Schools Accreditation (QNSA) from the Ministry of Education. This a quality benchmark which confirms the high standard of education offered in all our schools. In a further pleasing development Ta’allum Schools have also been formally recommended for ‘Candidacy’ in the renowned international accreditation process of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC.) This further underlines the impressive extent of progress and development witnessed in our schools. Although we are not complacent we derive great confidence in knowing that we are on the right educational path with skilled and committed administration and management.

It is important for me to voice my appreciation and thanks to the whole Ta’allum community of staff members, students and parents for these achievements and efforts. We worked as one unified team in all aspects of school work.


Finally as we begin the academic year I will address each of our key stakeholder groups directly:

Parents: ‘We are honoured and humbled by the trust that you have invested in us to be responsible for the educational future of your children.

We sincerely hope that your choice to register your children with Ta’allum Schools will be fully vindicated and that our ‘wheel of development’ and progress continues moving forward positively with God’s help and your support and patience.’’


Teachers: “Guide and nurture your students. Light the way for them like lighthouses through your good teaching and conduct so that you become positive and exemplary role models for them.”


Students: “Show respect to your teachers and strive to achieve your very best in educational attainment and most importantly through aspiring to the best Islamic values.’’